Specifying Additional Information

Sometimes, it might make sense to include additional information to your jobs such as contact names and numbers. You can add them by specifying additional information when adding a job.

If you are importing jobs by CSV, any additional columns that you add aside from the required ones given in the template will be treated as additional information.

Special Fields

Routo gives you the ability to add certain additional fields that will be treated differently from others. Currently, those fields are:

  • Job items
  • Contact information

Job items

More often than not, each job has physical items associated with it. To smoothen delivery operations, you might want to generate shipping labels or simply have a way to identify which jobs each order is associated to.

In order to add job items, you can add an additional information with field names starting with __jobItem__.

If you would like to add "Box of Cupcakes" with a quantity of 1, you can add the following custom attribute:

Or inside your CSV file, you can add a new column __jobItem__Box of Cupcakes and fill that row's value as 1.

Contact information

If you would like to add contact information - for example, recipient's or customer contact you can use special field names like:

  • Recipient contact
  • Recipient number
  • Customer contact
  • Customer number

Routo will treat them as special field names and save them as contact numbers that will appear on the driver's application.

This will allow the drivers to contact the recipient or customer (sender) by calling them or messaging them on WhatsApp.